urban kanso We are a creative marketing agency known for crafting engaging campaigns, designs, and experiences that resonate. Through clean, provoking storytelling, we help brands leave a memorable and impactful imprint on consumers. San Francisco
New York City
Lisbon, portugal
+1 415 944 7297 [email protected]
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about us
Over 15 years of digital experience

Inspired by the Japanese aesthetic of Kanso—simplicity and purity—Urban Kanso is a hybrid between the liveliness of a city setting paired with simplicity that comes from what’s natural. Our designs are meant to bring out an imaginative and profound form of storytelling. We help brands connect with their audiences through thought-provoking visuals, videos, and experiences that leave a lasting impression

digital agency

We make only authentic digital experience

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Design and interior
We are a digital creative studio video production
what our happy clients say about us

“Eu falli laudem mea suscipit veritus, lorem ipsum id dolor sit amet, eu possim ad!“

Malia Bourne Juice Bar Lola

“Eu falli laudem mea suscipit veritus, lorem ipsum id dolor sit amet, eu possim ad!“

Rachel Gray Confectioner

“Eu falli laudem mea suscipit veritus, lorem ipsum id dolor sit amet, eu possim ad!“

Anne Reid Make-Up Artis
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Boogie is always on the lookout for great talent. Join us.


Diana Tran

Creative Director


Laura Dern



Debbie Bridges

Art Director


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Boogie team
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